scare that I can't get the invite and left no choice to blog about it too =..=
I'm still in very lazy mood to update blog frequently =/
So I've be wondering which artist to go as...
been thinking a few days and today finaly move my lazy ass to finish this blog
hope i still manage to grab the invite *finger crossed*
the only artist i think of i can be so far is Victor Wong a.k.a 品冠
A local chinese Singer then gone not bad
A Pic of him

a video of him and Fish Leong cover for "Way back into love"
Do not compare to the original one coz that is way better
but this is not bad also right
at least he do kinda good in english song and the oldies album
and i am darn lazy to snap another pic
what i did is find my old pic, edit the frame of the glasses :D
and this should be it

Bear with it lar, i know imma not nice looking fellow :(
most of the people have their own celebrities dream before.
To get all the fame, every crazy to know you etc.
same apply to me as well :D
and now Nuffnang and Maxis Broadband, together they organize this event
i really looking forward how we going to treat like a celebrities :P
And about maxis broadband?
i duno, might still have a doubt on their service coz i using Celcom 3G and streamyx broadband...
hope their service has been improve to amaze new customer like me?
coz i might change the 3G service... i want a fast and reliable 1... 3G was quite alright but still sometime the speed is kinda pissing me off
iPhone 3G firmware 3.0 is coming out and allow tethering, i really hope the line speed fast enuff for me to browse anyway in the KL
let see what they can do for the coming event :)

wooohoooooooooo~ welcome back ren!! and see you at the partehhhhh!!!
rennnnnnn, we party like hot :P
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