It was a very nice movie! 4/5
Those that haven't watch, go ahead and watch it already :P
OK back to the topic
Again, like to thank Nuffnang to give out the invites, and thanks LG for such fun event :)
It was LG Blog Launch party
It was success and few bloggers went back home with a big smile winning LG products.
And of coz we guys happy when see these lovely Angel~

The event start at 8pm. My office quite near to Menara Hap Seng.
So was having my own dinner while waiting Jane to pick me up.
yeah even though is just across the street, but still I asked her to get me both of us no need to go in alone :P
Mike is one of this event organizer

Rose Chin

It was crowded ="=

Can't manage to snap any picture during the open ceremony

So was sit beside having my drink~ Sprite mix Vodka

They introduce few of the LG product
like example KM900

Compare side by side with my iPhone 3G with their KM900.
KM900 consider not bad with the price they offer!
few interface and kinda nice to play with.
but of coz i still lap my iPorn~

Host for that night
Pamela chong,
Will Quah

And Serena C

And they having some game to give away LG products.
Like the dancing 1 :P
Thomas and Kim on the stage~

Vanessa Chong won something too

And here goes all those cam whore pictures :P
John, me, Zoe, Jane, Mike, Soon Seng, Yat, Jolyn, Stanley, Joshua, David and Hsu Jen

and I was not here when they snapping this pic~ was eating my ice cream?

Just us dudes :P

And surprisingly, met Nicole there! It's been a while din saw her and she looks prettier that night :D

With Jane

Jolyn won the "Cookie" that night with her angel costume

The emo kid Jovi won it too...


With Vannesa Chong again.
She remembered me go to both Hennessy Artistry last month :D

With Robb

Din do much camwhore that night =/
Anyway, it was a fun night with free food and drinks on the house
Please do visit LG blog which is here
LG Blog
to know more info and updates about LG product and LG events around Malaysia
and join the Facebook LG Malaysia Fan Club too if you like LG products :)
you seeem to have had plenty of fun there
Eleh.. Serge commented as if he wasnt there.. Elo Mr Ren.. U jelez i won sumtin til dun wan link me ka.. piff piff..
oops.. my bad.. u did link me.. uhuhuh.. pardon me boo boo.. =P
i was confused too when u said that
where got jeles :P
Dusty: u seem enjoying there too :)
Way to go dude!
Life's Good with you people around.
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