Yeah, went to Black Eyed Peas concert last Friday.
The event was held at Sunway Lagoon Surf Beach zone.
Bought the tickets and went in with Jane and her BF Johnson.
We met up in Sunway Pyramid and had dinner before we went in.

Spotted Chris while taking a long road down to the event area.

The area was quite big, and the 1st thing I reached there was trying to find out do they server Guinness there :D
And they did! there is few area where only non-muslim and above 18 are allow to enter.
Yeah, you got it, The Tavern, Best Attraction, it happen that i have this shot :D


Jane and Chris

Johnson :)

PPC was there too with her bf :)
chat with her for some while, and when it was BEP's turn,
I head out alone to get better view.
Their performance were great
That night was good indeed!

The crowds were having so much fun :D

They even have fireworks at the end of the show

I did not snap much pics
but did record couple of videos
Pump it - Bep
Boom Boom Pow - BEP
Where is the love - BEP
I Gotta feeling - BEP
After the event end, went to supper + shisha with Chris and Ginny

1 comment:
Fuyooh~ BEP...
I wanted to go... but last minute la... No tickets d...
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