And it happened fall on the same day as Samsung's Jet, GI Joe screening.
The movie was nice and I managed to invite Suzy as my guest.
Thanks to PPC and Kalai for that invite :)
They have dinner prepare for us before the movie show.
There's where we start to camwhore a little :P
That's Suzy and that's the shirt she gave me as present but I lost it on the very same day... after the movie :(
Can't find it anymore after I went back to search it the next day
Suzy... Thanks a lot and very sorry :(

And thanks to baby Wen tried to throw me a little surprise with the birthday cake she bought for me.
I was sitting on the other table but my things put beside her.
While she tried to light up the birthday cake and actually "planned" to give me while i was busy eating?
some how i wanna get some of my belonging that place near to her...
and i spotted what she "planned" to do...
Surprise failed XD
but thanks a lot girl for all those effort :)

the bloggers :D

And a group pic after the movie.

And few of us stay back to "gossip" a little ^^

The movie was great. Thanks Samsung again :)
Your guys shud check out their latest "Jet" :p
And the next day I celebrate again with my family members, which is my Bros.
It's already 7th but who cares nowadays :D
We having a very great time together on that dinner :P
We were at Sunway's Sushi Zanmai
And check out the place and what we ordered!
Bro's Leica carry bag... with no leica camera with him... but he like the bag...

Still finding a bag for my Leica Digilux 2, which consider my bro Sheng gave me as a early birthday present.
It's not like he paying this camera :P since it's free in some kinda way :D
Pic below onward snapped by Digilux 2 that i really fall in love with :D

Sheng's Ricoh

Toro sushi!

Lobster Cawanmushi :)

and we have beef sukiyaki~ damn nice u know! Till we ordered 2 pot...

Your guys should try next time :D
I love it and guess will order again next time I visit Sushi Zanmai.
Is RM 15 per pot and I find it quite worth it :)
For this year birthday, I got myself a big "birthday present" (just an lame excuse :p)
I got this for myself which I like it a lot!
Hot Toys 1/6 Batmobile....

it's very huge!
- Approximate Product size: 73 x 47 x 28 cm ( L x W x H)
Do your guys know that there this D'Ultimate Birthday Bash by DiGi upcoming for everyone to attend, where the party actually CELEBRATES EVERYONE'S BIRTHDAY, with LOTS OF PRIZES AND PERFORMANCES BY RENOWNED LOCAL ARTISTS?
Check out more detail on this link below:
Lucky for those that birthday at Oct, Nov and Dec as your guys gonna have a blast birthday party!